The first time I saw an Anti-Haul video, I felt guilty.  I felt guilty for buying a ton of makeup.  Not only that, but falling for the overly tempting advertisements!

The beauty industry has turned into a multi-billion dollar monster, and it's not going to step on the breaks anytime soon.  Instagram posts, brand trips, and YouTube videos galore add to the overwhelming exposure of beauty products.  The email headers have become quite hilarious, "THIS will definitely sell out!", "You won't want to miss this sale!", "LIMITED EDITION!" Are you kidding me?! These brands want you to give them all your money. They don't care if you're in crazy credit card debt, because you know why? YOU HAVE TO HAVE IT!

I'll be the first to admit that I am a cosmetic whore.  I could open my own little beauty boutique. After seeing anti-haul vids, I finally realized that the spending needs to slow down.  I thank the beautiful Kimberly Clark for starting this trend, and shedding light on consumerism.

It's tough as an aspiring beauty blogger.  I can't buy every new product that launches.  I do, however, want to help viewers decide if they want to buy something or not.  I'm going to meet myself halfway, and film with products that I already have.  Kimberly inspired me to start my own Anti-Haul series!  Click below to see my most recent video 👇🏾